Sunday, May 10, 2015

Do Collapsed Stars Expire?

    Readers from this blog now know how collapsed stars are formed, however, do you know how long they last? Some people say that they will eventually die off, while others claim that black holes never die. Do you know which one is true?

  If you said that black holes never die then, sorry, you're incorrect. Black holes actually evaporate, slowly returning their energy to the Universe. This means that they will slowly die off.( Its kind of like a movie with the villain slowly loosing power- except not as dramatic).

1. What was your favorite part of the topic you chose?
Getting to learn more about space.
2. What was your least favorite part of the topic you chose?
Having to make it more interesting.
3. What do you like best about Genius Hour research?
Getting to blog about it.
4. What do you like least about Genius Hour research?
Having to find short videos.
5. What was the most important thing you learned about yourself, how you learn, or research in general as a result of this work?
That if I find it interesting then I will be very "driven" to post blogs about it. However, I also learned that the clock and I do not get along.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Black Holes's "Founding Father"

     Now that you know a little more about back holes, the question is who found the first one? Also, what was the first black hole that got discovered? Well, first of all Albert Einstein was not the first person to discover a collapsed star. Einstein's general theory was of Relativity (1915) theorized the existence of these objects. Instead John Mitchell, a scientist, in 1783 developed the true theory. At the same time, Pierre-Simon Laplace of France proposed a similar concept.

 Finding out who developed the true theory of black hole helps us to understand the second question. What was the first black hole to get discovered? It was called, Cygnus X-1. Cygnus X-1 was the first object that was universally accepted to be a black hole. Scientist had to use a x-ray source to find it. No days, most scientist use radio waves, x- rays,and high power telescopes.
If you want to understand black holes a little more than this you should click on this link down below to get a further description:

This is a theory of how we could moved around/ or go through a black hole:

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Human VS Coachroach in Black Hole

 You probably know that if a object comes close to a black hole then they would get stretched out until they die/or get torn apart. However, did you also know that once a living organism gets inside of a black hole not only will it get stretched out, but it will also get turn into a single string of an atom? 
  This is kind of like a human and a cockroach in space. If both are placed towards the beginning of any black hole the cockroach would stay alive longer than the human would.  This is due to the size comparison of a human to a cockroach, and also, the difference of strength in both skeleton systems. 
  Except this still means that nothing (not even a cockroach) is able to be alive if in a black hole. 


           Using this picture you can see the center of a black hole ( also called singularity). You might be curious what the center is made out of, however, no scientist has yet to figure out what the center truly is! This is due to the extreme tention of power black holes exert when spinning around. Black holes might appear as some scary monster in space, however, they help us to still wonder- to help us to stay curious with the world. 

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Types of Black Holes

  Most people know what a black hole is, but did you know that black holes get categorized into three categories?

Primordial black holes, are the smallest type of black hole in the galaxy. They are expected to be between a large boulder to a mountain in size. Scientist say that primordial black holes are not formed by collapsed stars, but from extreme density of matter presented during the universe' s early expansion.

 Stellar black holes are the most common black holes. Most are up to 20 times the weight of our own sun! With that being said, stellar black holes are the most popluated collapsed stars in most galaxies.

Gargantuan black holes (or "supermassive" black holes) are locted in the center of galaxies. They are know for being the largest type of black holes. One gargantuan black hole is so large that it weighs 14 percent of its host galaxy's mass!

No matter what size- all black holes contain: mass, electric charge, and angular momentum. Variations of collapsed stars, helps make black holes one of the most interesting galactic phenomenon.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

  Black holes are a rare topic that scientist do not fully understand. This is, because black holes (or collapsed stars) are hard to get close to. A main question that I ask myself when it comes to this topic is, what really is a black hole, and how do they effect the galaxy? In my research, I will discover the answers to these questions. While I do this I will record my information, and post pictures - so that you will also get to experience and learn what black holes really are. We already know about Earth, so why not learn about space?